Booya Fitness Review

I absolutely love exercising. But it gets harder and harder to get up in the mornings in winter to go for a run. So after hearing about Booya Fitness, which is pretty much like an online gym class system. I decided to give it a go. 
I really didn't know what to expect at first. Would the classes be too simple? Would there be enough classes to choose from? Would it require too much space in the house and or equipment to do the workouts? 
After signing up, which was only $9.99 a month (cheaper than buying lunch one day a week). I was surprised with how many videos/classes there was to pick from. Honestly it caters to EVERYONE. There's yoga, cardio drills, Pilates, toning, stretching, quick high intensity workouts, dancing and the list goes on! There's 15 minute workouts right through to 50+ minute workouts. So it suits all lifestyles. 
So far I've tried an express core flow, simple but not easy circuit, speed lab and signature dance cardio workout. 
I've enjoyed every single one and I was surprised with how much I could feel it burning the next day after the workout. Which means they all worked, YAY!
I'm impressed with how much space you need to complete these workouts, not much at all! 
Also the Booya Fitness website is super dooper easy to use as well, which is a bonus! 

I've been a gym member in the past, but honestly for the money I was paying it just wasn't worth it. Plus the classes at the gym would get so busy, you couldn't even move properly. That's why I love Booya Fitness. It's cheap, easy to use, you have the convince to do it at home and you can do it at whatever time suits you! 

I have no negatives about it what-so-ever! 


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