The Bar Counter Review

The Bar Counter make bars that are gluten free, bars that contain raw ingredients, or no added sugar. They also make bars that feature ancient grains, super foods and even high protein. 
Some of the flavours are Milk Chocolate & Hazelnut, Raw Blueberry & Vanilla, Raw Date Almond & Chia, Cashew & Coconut, Chocolate Mint Crunch, Raspberry Truffle and Blueberry Almond & White Chocolate. That's just to name a few! I honestly always have one of these in my handbag. 

You never know when hunger can strike! I never want to be in a sticky situation of not having anything to snack on. 
I've tried just about every single flavour and there isn't one that I don't like. 
The chocolate ones are great for an after dinner treat. I try not to have too many treats, so I tend to have one of the chocolate ones once a week. 
I absolutely love the milk chocolate & hazelnut bar. There's not too much chocolate on it and you can really taste the hazelnut which is delicious! I break off tiny little bits at a time, just so it takes me longer to taste the deliciousness. 
For a mid morning snack the cashew & coconut bar is one of my favourites. It literally tastes exactly like cashews mixed with coconut. 
In all honestly I absolutely adore these bars and I never leave the house without one. 


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