Pickle In The Middle Review

I love an all day breakfast menu on weekends. So after wanting to try Pickle in the Middle (Unley Road, SA) for a few months now I was extremely excited to get there and find out that they did an all day breakfast menu. 
Then I had to make the hardest decision of my day, what to get?! 
It was a toss up between the overnight oats with a sweet hazelnut dukkah, the buckwheat pancakes or the granola bowl. 
After a bit of ernie meenie money mo, I ended up going with the granola bowl. Which was filled with macadamia buckwheat granola, Fleurieu natural yoghurt, seasonal fresh and dehydrated fruits and ginger syrup. 
After my first mouthful I was in awe. The granola was delicious and you could tell that they use extremely good quality yoghurt. The pears were also the best pears that I've tasted in a long long while! 
If you live in Adelaide, SA, I highly recommend that you try out Pickle In The Middle. 
I will be back for sure! 


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